Proficient Reading:
Distinguished Reading:
Proficient Math:
Distinguished Math:
Dixie Magnet Elementary opened in August 1966 on the northeast side of Lexington. The school enrolls 640 students in grades Pre-K through 5 with a population that is ethnically, culturally, and economically diverse.
Our magnet emphasis is to provide an individualized program of studies and instruction. Our school has open classrooms in which teams of teachers deliver the instructional program. The team-teaching approach allows educators with complimentary abilities, skills, and talents to form professional learning communities in which they collectively create, plan, and implement engaging instructional units that meet the needs of individual students.
The educational program is customized for each child and guided by assessment data. Student growth is monitored frequently to measure progress, evaluate teaching practices, and drive instruction. Students are regrouped often to maximize growth. Flexible grouping of students ensures progress at an accelerated rate and that each child reaches his/her full potential.
To accommodate the learning preference of the digital age student, SMART Technology is used throughout the school. Students have access to a computer lab as well as multiple mobile computer labs, SMART Boards, and iPods for instructional podcasts. Within the building, students have wireless internet capabilities and many of our technology-based learning programs are accessible from home.
Since 2004, Dixie has increased its academic index by 39 points. In addition, we have reduced the achievement gap for all sub-populations and reduced the percentage of students scoring at the novice level from 19.79% to a 3.45%. According to the Kentucky Association of School Councils 2008 Disaggregation Results, Dixie’s African-American students were second in the state in their academic performance across all curricular areas.
The creativity of our students is developed through the extensive arts and humanities program. Children receive instruction in visual arts; vocal/instrumental music; physical education; dance; drama; and creative writing. The arts are imbedded within the instructional day. In addition, a vibrant Arts Enrichment Program-- staffed with school faculty, community partners, parents, and local artists—offers students the opportunity to engage in a more intensive study of a variety of arts and culminates in an arts showcase each March.
At Dixie, the development of student character is imbedded throughout the building. We have embraced the philosophy of creating a “safe, civil, and productive” learning environment. In addition to regular instruction from the guidance counselor, numerous extra-curricular organizations have been formed with a focus on social development and service: Dixie Chicks Club, Junior Beta Club, K-Kids Club, and Girls on the Run Program are among the many outlets through which student character, leadership skills, and community service are enhanced.
In summary, the educational philosophy of Dixie Elementary Magnet can best be encompassed by our Belief Statement.
We believe…